The Going Merry was the first ship of the Straw Hat Pirates that they used as their main mode of transportation through the East Blue all the way to Water 7. It is often affectionally shortened to Merry by the crew. It is a caravel class ship designed by Merry and given by Kaya to the Straw Hats as a reward for saving her life.
Over time, the ship came to be loved by the crew as a home and as a friend, so much so that she literally took on a life of her own and became just as much a part of the crew as any of them. Unfortunately, the Going Merry took an inordinate amount of damage during her “lifetime”, being blown up, impaled, sliced up multiple times, and partially eaten by Wapol. Eventually, the Going Merry could no longer continue and after helping the Straw Hats escape Enies Lobby, it received a Viking funeral, and was later replaced by the Thousand Sunny.